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High School Education

High school is comprised of a 3-year curriculum. Students who have graduated from middle schoolor have passed an equivalency test may enroll in high school. High schools are largely classified intogeneral, special purpose, specialized, and autonomous. Methods of admission differ by cities/provincesor schools. To ease the burden of school expenses, high school education with free admission fee,tuition, school operation fee, and textbooks is in progress for 2nd and 3rd year students in 2020,and will be extended to all students in 2021. Some private schools (autonomous private schools,special purpose schools, etc.) where admission fees and tuition are decided by the head of the schoolare excluded from free education. Students of families experiencing financial difficulties may receiveassistance or be exempted.

01 Content of Education

High school focuses on exploring career paths for the student’s aptitude and skills, fostering thequalities needed for a democratic citizen to communicate with the world, building on his or her middleschool education. One class takes 50 minutes, and the curriculum students learn covers the nationallanguage, mathematics, English, social studies (including history/ethics), science, physical education,arts, technology, homes/ second language/Chinese literature/liberal arts, etc. Subjects are divided intocommon and elective subjects. Students can choose the subjects they want to learn from the electives.Creative experiential activities are extracurricular activities such as autonomous activities, club, careerdevelopment, and volunteering activities that students participate in voluntarily. These activities areexpected to help students develop their potential and talents, while nurturing community spirit.

02 Types of High Schools

Types of High Schools
General High School
High schools which provide general education throughout various areas. This type accountsfor the largest proportion of the high school types. Students are allocated and chosen by lotusing a computer according to their region, or are selected by the principal based on testscores or grades (GPA)
Special Purpose High School
This type of high school aims to provide specialized education in special areas. Specialpurpose high schools include schools for nurturing science talents (science high school),schools for talents competent in foreign language (foreign language high school), schools fornurturing international talents (international high school), schools for nurturing artists (artshigh school), schools for nurturing athletes (sports high school), and schools that are directlylinked with a specific industry (customized industry high school). Students are selected basedon an assessment of their independent learning abilities, which looks at school records,teacher recommendations, interviews, practical exam grades, etc. Significantly, science,foreign language, and international schools select 20% of their student from the grouprequiring social care.
Specialized High School
This type of school aims to nurture talents in specific areas, grouping students with similartalents, aptitudes, and abilities. It also provides experience-oriented professional education,including field study. Students can take various vocational trainings, such as agriculture,biotechnology, industry, commercial information, fishing, shipping, housekeeping, business,etc., according to the characteristics of school, in addition to regular courses such as Koreanlanguage, mathematics, English, social studies, etc. Students are selected based on schoolgrades, interviews, and a practical test.
Autonomous High School
This type of school is granted autonomy and accountability in school management, andprovides various specialized educational programs. Types include the “autonomous publichigh school” and the “autonomous private high school.” In an autonomous public highschool, students are allocated, chosen by computer depending on the region, or selectedbased on school grades or test scores. Autonomous private high schools select studentsbased on an assessment of each student’s self-directed learning ability; this can include theconsideration of school records, teacher recommendations, interviews, etc.

03 Welfare Services for Students

  • Financial support available for students varies by region or type of educational expenses.

(1) Education cost support for elementary school, middle school, and high school students from low-income families

  • Students who receive support for school supplies, tuition and admission fee by registering at theirlocal community center as subjects for basic living security or students from single-parent families.
  • Students who are acknowledged as belonging to one of the two lowest income classes at their localcommunity centers (eup, myeon, dong)
  • Students within the median income of 50%~60% based on family income and property (differs bycity, province, and type of educational expenses)
  • Students from low-income families who do not meet the income and property criteria but arepersonally recommended by the principal due to their economic difficulties that cannot bedocumented
Assistance Items
  • (High school tuition) Funding for high school admission fee, tuition, and school management support cost
  • (Meal expenses) Full funding for lunches at elementary, middle, and high school (180 lunches a year, excluding free lunch regions)
  • (After-school courses) Maximum funding of 600,000 won per year for elementary/middle/high school students to take after-school courses from private educational institutes
  • (Education information) Internet usage funding of 17,600 won per month, 1 PC provided to each low-income household
Assistance Items
SubjectsRecipients for basic living expensesLegally single parentLegally next lowest income levelIncome-asset inquirerRecom-mended by class teacher
High school expenses
Meal expenses
After-school courses
  • ○: full assistance when requested, △: determine whether to assist by reviewing assistance criteria
  • For more information about the educational assistance, check at your local community service center oreducational assistance OneClick application online. (☎ Inquiry:Central Counseling Center for EducationalCost Support 1544-9654)
Required Documents
Required Documents
QualificationsRequired documents
Recipients of national basic living securitySubjects of single-parent family protection
(legally determined)
Subjects of protection, belonging to the nextlowest income level (legally determined)Subjects of income and assets inquiry
  1. 1Application for Social Security Benefit
  2. 2Declaration form for income·property
  3. 3Consent form for providing financial information, etc.
  4. 4Documents verifying income·asset
Principal's recommendation
  1. 1Reference (recommendation) by class teacher (person in charge)
  2. 2Other references (liabilities, death, job loss, bankruptcy and divorce)
  • The teacher in charge or person in charge must prepare a written statement.
Application procedure
  • Registration period is offered early in the year (Every school will be sending an application guidelines through School Newsletter, etc.).
  • Parents apply for education expenses through online (Educational Cost OneClick Application System)or by visiting eup, myeon, or dong community service centers. Depending on results of income andproperty, beneficiaries are selected by the school.
    • Beneficiaries are exempted from the payment at the school.
  • Application
  • Accept
    Eup·myeon·dong offices or the Internet
    (Ministry of Health and Welfare, happiness e-um)
  • Income & property inspection
    City·gun·gu offices
    (Ministry of Health and Welfare, happiness e-um)
  • Decide beneficiary
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